Have you succeeded from removing the word busy from your vocabulary during lent? Have you actually made an effort to slow down and refresh during this Holy season?
Last month ,I wrote about the busyness of life and I got more comments about that message than I did in the previous 100+ newsletter articles I’ve written. I guess I struck a chord. - We are simply too busy! The popular Ecclesiastes verse says there is a time for every matter under heaven. We need to pause in our busyness of life and take time in intentional Christian Community to slow down, be together and refresh ourselves. After Jesus died on the cross, the disciples huddled together in a room. They didn’t scatter. They came together and worked together to figure things out. They shared their grief, they may have made plans, and for sure they ate together. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared to them together. Thee disciples weren’t too busy to welcome Jesus, they weren’t too scattered, far away from each other - they were together, in community, grieving, loving, sharing until their God came and shared the gospel message of resurrection. What are we doing if our whole lives are consumed with the busyness of work, electronics, and the pursuit of money? Such a formula does not make for fulfilled lives. Take some time this Lenten/Easter season to remember the Awe and Wonder that is God. Find God in nature, and then come back to your community and share it. What if we filled our screen each week with visions of Awe and Wonder each Sunday that we discovered during the week? The beauty of a cat basking in the warm sun, the new buds of spring, the face of a loved one, or a tree. This Lenten/Easter, search out the Awe and Wonder of God in the world as a spiritual practice and then email it to me and we will get it up on the screen each Sunday morning. We can share our experiences of an awesome God who is everywhere in our world. Let’s have some fun re-discovering God in the world and then share it with our community. May God’s awesome peace and love be in you this Easter Season. Pastor Bonnie
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AuthorBonnie Schelter-Brown is the pastor of St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church. Follow BonnieArchives
May 2019